{Thanksgiving Favorites} Crustless Derby Pie

With Thanksgiving around the corner, I wanted to give myself plenty of time to share some of our very favorite recipes. I know it’s 3 weeks away but seriously, you know we’ll blink….and it will be here! Due to the recent upheaval exciting changes around here, we won’t be able to travel up to Arkansas to be with family. It’s quite the drive, but worth it. The nature of my husband’s work means he rarely took time off for vacations. I finally wrapped my head around the fact that he just wouldn’t couldn’t take time off, and that we would have to travel when work allowed. For him that meant he could take time off around Christmas and Thanksgiving.

When the kids were little I really preferred to spend those holidays at home, but now that they are getting older….I find that I want to be with family, and the change in seasons we experience as we trek north is a nice bonus. I’m sure part of it is because as they get older, we don’t have to drag gazillions of toys/presents along with us, and let’s face it…..the older they get the easier it is to travel….especially 18+ hour car rides. Oh yeah…and I’m sure the fact that we now own a minivan complete with dvd player also makes for a much cushier ride.

I’m very excited about our new business venture, but have to admit it’s disappointing not to be spending Thanksgiving with family this year. Oh sure….we’ll make the best of it. Our tradition of watching the Macy’s Day parade while daddy makes his family’s sausage stuffing recipe. The long leisurely day of hanging out while roasting the turkey, and time spent cooking in the kitchen together is always fun. It’s nice to have that day “off” from all cares and worries and places to be.

So we’ll choose to focus on the positives of staying in town this year: a weekend of leftovers, volunteering with our church in preparing thousands of Thanksgiving meals for others, setting up and trimming our tree that weekend and countless other traditions from when the kids were little. Counting our blessings of having our health, our home and each other. And friends….let’s not forget friends. By being in town, we’ll have the ability to SLOW the season down.

** Who else is staying in town this year? Is it by choice or circumstance? I’d love to hear from you!! **

I stumbled onto this Derby Pie online back in 2007. It was immediately pronounced a favorite by my husband, and I’ve been making it ever since. Since it’s so easy and delicious, it frequently makes it on our Christmas dinner menu as well. It’s rich so a small sliver is all you need, and definitely a treat when topped with homemade whipped cream.

{Thanksgiving Favorites} Crustless Derby Pie
Recipe type: Dessert, Thanksgiving, Holidays, Pie
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 8 - 10
Easy & delicious pie perfect for Thanksgiving!
  • 1 cup sugar
  • ½ cup flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 stick butter, melted
  • 1 cup walnuts, chopped
  • 1 cup chocolate chips
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. In mixer, mix flour and sugar.
  3. Add in eggs and mix.
  4. Add in melted butter and mix.
  5. Mix in vanilla.
  6. Add in nuts and chocolate chips and mix gently.
  7. Pour batter into a greased pyrex pie pan.
  8. Bake in preheated oven for 35 - 45 minutes until chewy (but not runny). Test with toothpick. Bake longer if necessary.


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This recipe is linked up with Tidymom’s Love the Pie party!

Come join Love the Pie with TidyMom  sponsored by Cherokee USA, Le Creuset, Wilton, Bags by Bloom and  Harvard Common Press

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8 Responses to {Thanksgiving Favorites} Crustless Derby Pie

  1. That sounds good! Like a huge cookie.
    Sylvie @ Gourmande in the Kitchen recently posted..BluePrintCleanse vs. Cooler Cleanse | Sizing up the Juice Cleanses

  2. Kathleen says:

    This looks delish! My daughter would be all over this!!!
    Kathleen recently posted..Double Glazed Pumpkin Scones

  3. Curt says:

    Oh boy, I can see why this one is a favorite! That looks really sweet and chocolaty!
    Curt recently posted..Smoked Asiago Parmesan Spiced Bread

  4. this does look tasty and a little less rich than the derby pie that I know. This is a keeper and I have saved the recipe. Glad you shared this one -yum!
    Tina@flourtrader recently posted..Dark Essence Cake

  5. This sounds so good. Yum!! We typically stay home for the holidays and have our friends who have family far away come to dinner with us. It’s always a nice time to spend with good friends. I do miss seeing family though, but they are a 2 day drive away and not always doable. Congrats to the Hubs on his new venture. Super exciting time for you both I’m sure. Good luck!

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