Low carb fruit list & trying to eat lower carb while traveling

We’re still on vacation, and last Friday afternoon we drove out from Winston-Salem to the North Carolina coast (only a little over 4 hours). We packed all of us in the same van and were able to ride together since her hubby is coming out later in the week. We’ll be in chill mode with our friends all week hanging out at the beach and exploring beaches I haven’t seen since I was a kid. It will be fun to see how they compare to Florida beaches. There is so much to do in this area! This week I’ll be sharing more vacation photos, travel adventures, and a yummy restaurant experience….so I hope you’ll check back often.

 Most of you know all about my low carb experiment….and low carb on the road wasn’t too hard at first (and I did really well over my family reunion & 4th of July), but after ice cream crept in and it’s been available in the freezer, I haven’t been able to turn my back on it! I’ve also been eating out more than normal. I’m still conscious of carbs, but haven’t been tracking as closely as I normally would, and these were definitely not low carb. At times my stomach will tell me if I had too many, like when I snack on chips and dip. I can definitely tell that my body would prefer I not eat certain things.

I’m not drinking as much water as I should be, but I definitely think it’s easier to drink more water when you’re home all day! We’ll be back home this coming weekend, and like most travelers when they get home, it will be easy to get back on track with my eating. The hardest part is not being able to weigh myself. Weighing definitely helps keep me on track at home, and I’m sure that would help me if I had access to a scale.

Today I’d love to share with you all some foods you can treat yourself with while coming out of Atkins induction, and beginning the ongoing weight loss phase. Atkins has what he terms a carb ladder that as you go through the phases of learning to live the carb controlled life, you learn what YOU can add and when YOU want to add it. It’s a very flexible, and individual journey. What is important for some to add in would not matter one bit to others.

For me…I want fruit, black beans or other legumes, maybe oats or oatmeal and the occasional roasted sweet potato {and sweet potato fries…Mmmm!) Dark chocolate, ice cream and red wine are awesome splurges. But I really haven’t missed the pasta, bread or rice. And dare I say…as much as I LOVE regular white potatoes skillet fried as hash browns or a variety of other ways…I think it’s something I’m not craving anymore. And I know I’d have issues with portion control…as much as I do with roasted sweet potatoes. Which is why if I’m adding in a potato…I’d choose sweet over white any day. While on vacation, I have been drinking small amounts of red wine and eating dark chocolate in moderation, and I have had those sweet potatoe fries once. Mmmm…..

Since it’s summer and fruit is abundant, and since it’s a healthy item to add back in…I wanted to share with you lower sugar and lower carb fruits. I’m excited to learn the carb count since I could really take or leave a banana, and it’s the highest in sugar! Here are the fruits I’ll begin allowing myself and their carb counts. Since they are still made from sugar…though natural…it’s important to eat fruit with either protein or fat so it doesn’t spike your blood sugar (which leads to your body producing extra insulin which leads to fat storage…no, we don’t want that!) So berries with a dollop of homemade whipped cream or fruit right after a meal is a good choice.

Low sugar & Low carb Fruit (in net carbs)

  • apricot 3.1
  • avocado 4.8
  • blackberries, 1/4 cup 2.7
  • blueberries, 1/4 cup 4.1
  • canteloupe, 1/4 cup 3.0
  • cherries, 1/4 cup 4.2
  • cranberries, 1/4 cup 2.0
  • fig 6.7
  • grapes, 1/4 cup 6.7
  • honeydew melon, 1/4 cup 3.6
  • kiwi 8.7
  • mango 1/4 cup, 6.3
  • papaya, 1/4 cup 2.8
  • peach, medium 8.9
  • pineapple, 1/4 cup 4.3
  • plum 7.6
  • raspberries, 1/4 cup 1.5
  • strawberries, 1/4 cup 1.8
  • tangerine 6.2
  • watermelon, 1/4 cup 2.6
 I know that 1/4 cup seems like a small amount, but I was surprised at how much it actually was and how sweet the fruit is when you aren’t eating sugar. Of course you can up your amount to 1/2 cup or more and still be low in carbs and sugar. The point is just to be aware of the carb content as you go about your day and make choices.
What kinds of things would you add in (or did you add in) when starting to increase your carb intake? What types of foods are easy for you to avoid? What are your favorites that you won’t give up forever? Which fruits are your favorites, and do you eat them? Are they low in carbs/sugar? Were you able to eat low carb successfully while traveling? What tips do you have?
* A “share” or “Facebook recommend” is always appreciated! Thanks!!
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3 Responses to Low carb fruit list & trying to eat lower carb while traveling

  1. Kathleen says:

    Hey Denise! This is an awesome list. It’s soooo hard for me to eat low carb when I’m on vacation! Next time I go I’ll print up this list!
    Kathleen recently posted..BBQ Pasta Salad

  2. I love this list of fruit/carb info! As someone who travels a lot, I am always needing help with this.

  3. Wait a minute… did you take a picture with your DSLR while going 75MPH!????
    michelle@the domestic mama and the viillage cook recently posted..baby s’mores

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