Peach Pecan Pancake & a healthy living challenge!

One morning a couple weeks ago I was craving pancakes. Oh pancakes have such a pull, don’t they? And you know I’ve been trying to focus on more protein and less grains….low carb really seems to agree with my digestive system and the way I feel. I admit the sugar monster is really starting to grip me again, so I want to get strict with my eating. I know I can do it!! Anyone want to join me?

We can commit to 1 week of clean eating or whatever that means to you and getting in exercise daily (or at the very least 3-5 times this week). You know with just one week under our belts, we’d start feeling GREAT and the hard part would be done! That hurdle of just beginning again, you know?

So who’s with me? My birthday’s coming up September 11th, and I want to look and feel my best. Ideally I’d like to lose about 5-8 pounds before getting into holiday mode. It’s the perfect time, and most of you are about to get gorgeous weather to get outside for daily walks! Come on….we can DO this!! What do you say? I need some accountability! I’m going to read my posts under low carb and clean eating in the category section over in the sidebar to get motivated.

Now let me tell you about this pancake! I remembered these cream cheese pancakes and how the texture was achieved with eggs and cream cheese. I figured I could do something with a nut and oat base and feature these peaches. So I embarked on one big skillet pancake….and it worked! Now it’s delicate, so there is NO flipping this pancake. You have to use an oven safe skillet and finish it off under the broiler, but wow….I was sold! I think you’ll love them as much as I do!

This pancake may or may not fit in with your eating plan and the challenge above, but if it doesn’t….book mark it for later or change it up to suit you. And you can use another fruit when peaches are out of season. All I know is it’s now one of my favorites. It’s easy, tasty, filling, low carb and gluten-free. What’s not to love?

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Peach Pecan Pancake ~ Low carb & Gluten-free!
Recipe type: Breakfast, Low carb, Gluten-free
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 1
  • 1 peach
  • ⅓ cup oats (gluten-free if needed)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 Tbsp sugar or honey granules (half the amount for lower carb)
  • 2 Tbsp pecans, ground
  • 1 Tbsp cream
  • 1 Tbsp almond milk
  • Sprinkle of cinnamon and nutmeg
  • Pinch of sea salt
  1. Slice peach. Put aside a few slices to top the pancake with and dice the rest. Save pit.
  2. Partially grind oats in coffee grinder. Set aside.
  3. Grind pecans in coffee grinder. Set aside.
  4. In medium bowl, beat 1 egg vigorously.
  5. To egg, add oats, ground pecans, sugar, nutmeg, cinnamon, salt, cream and almond milk. Mix well.
  6. Add in all diced peaches. Now sqeeze the peach bit over the bowl to extract all peach juice.
  7. Butter and heat oven-proof skillet to medium heat. Add batter to skillet and make sure it spreads out. After the bottom is cooked finish off under the broiler keeping a close eye not to burn.


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This recipe is linked up with What’s on the Menu Wednesday, What’s Cooking Wednesday, What’s on your Plate, What I Ate Wednesday, Let’s do Brunch, Real Food Wednesday, Pennywise Platter, It’s a Keeper, Full Plate Thursday, Simple Lives Thursday, Finer Things Friday, Friday Potluck, Food Trip Friday, Friday Favorites, Fresh Bites Friday, Mouthwatering Monday, Mangia Mondays, Just Another Meatless Monday, Homemaker Monday, Melt in your Mouth Monday, My Meatless Monday, Monday Mania, Slightly Indulgent Tuesday, Tasty Tuesdays, Totally Tasty Tuesdays, Hearth and Soul Hop, Tasty Tuesday, Fat Tuesday & Tuesdays at the Table.

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23 Responses to Peach Pecan Pancake & a healthy living challenge!

  1. Aggie says:

    I’m liking this “pancake”!! I’m with you!! I’ve committed myself to 4 days of running this week. AND no drinking (ugh…love my wine) till Friday. Lots of fruits and veggies and whole grains…good protein.

    We can do this! I know how good it feels even after a couple of days of eating clean. It’s getting started that is so hard. Good luck!

  2. Yum! What a deliciously, and healthy, breakfast! I can’t wait to try it!

  3. Oh, I love this!! I will def try this, especially with the peaches in season now!
    michelle @ The Village Cook recently posted..atomic buffalo turds

  4. Jen @ Kelapo says:

    Yum! Those look absolutely amazing. I can’t resist pancakes and peaches!

  5. Eva says:

    I like the idea of adding the pecan ‘flour’ to the mix…it sounds like great taste and texture!
    Eva recently posted..Morocco, here we come!

  6. What do you put in your green smoothies? (i read your Clean Eating post)
    Vegetarian in the City recently posted..A bit about me!

  7. Emily says:

    Looks like a delicious recipe! We don’t eat a whole lot of grains anyway, so I stick with the traditional – well, maybe not so traditional 😉 – sourdough (made with kefir) pancakes on Saturday morning.
    Emily recently posted..WIG Episode 9: Why A Positive Attitude Matters

  8. Pingback: Peach clafoutis ~ a french dessert highlighting fruit in season | Creative Kitchen

  9. Love the peaches, thanks for sharing. 🙂
    Visiting via FTF.

    Here’s my FTF entry:

  10. oh..looks so yummy… i might try to prepare this one. thanks for sharing the recipe. visiting anyway from FTF. See yah!

  11. KB and Whitesnake says:

    Looks delish.

    We’d love you to share your recipes with us at
    Simply Delish Saturday

  12. Curt says:

    Wow, that is a plate of serious deliciousness!

  13. Yes, please! 🙂 I would love it if you shared it on Makin’ You Crave Monday over at my blog,!!

  14. Miz Helen says:

    Hi Denise,
    What a great pancake, this is a great flavor combination. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope you are having a great week!
    Come Back Soon,
    Miz Helen

  15. jill says:

    This post is so informative. I would love for you to come
    share it at FAT TUESDAY. I hope you will
    put FAT TUESDAY on your list of carnivals to visit
    and link to each week!

  16. jill says:

    Thanks for linking your great post to FAT TUESDAY. Hope to see you next week! Be sure to visit on Sunday for
    Sunday Snippets – your post from Fat Tuesday may be featured there!

  17. Swathi says:

    Looks awesome perfect thanks for sharing with Hearth and soul blog hop.

  18. These peach pancakes look delicious – and I love that they are good for you too! Thank you for sharing them with the Hearth and Soul hop.
    April @ The 21st Century Housewife recently posted..The Gallery of Favorites #7

  19. Peaches and cream for breakfast? YUM! Thanks for sharing with the Hearth and Soul.
    Melynda@Moms Sunday Cafe recently posted..Cookbook Sundays October 2011

  20. Audra Rios says:

    thanks for sharing the recipe. Thanks for linking your great post to FAT TUESDAY.
    Audra Rios recently posted..Acne Tips

  21. Rachelle Crawford says:

    thanks for sharing the recipe. Visiting via FTF. I can’t wait to try it! I’m with you!!
    Rachelle Crawford recently posted..Cancer Tattoos Tumblr

  22. Pingback: Recipes to Jumpstart Healthy Eating! | Creative Kitchen

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