My new love….Instagram!


Ever since getting my new Iphone, I’ve been in love with Instagram! I have to admit, it was one of the apps I was most excited about. Many food bloggers hang out at Instagram, and I love that I can see their pictures all in one place instead of just clicking over from Twitter. I also love that it’s a smaller place to hang out. I decided to follow only those I either know, or really enjoy following instead of blindly following everyone. This keeps my stream to a more manageable level, and I get to see what I really want to see. It also makes it easier to get to know each other.

Do you use Instagram? If so, what do you like about it? Dislike? If you haven’t heard about Instagram, come check it out. It’s free, easy to use and FUN!!

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5 Responses to My new love….Instagram!

  1. Oh I just love Instagram!!! I just followed you!!!! I’m in there as sweetjeanette.
    SweetJeanette recently posted..My quest for Macaroni and Cheese

  2. Jann says:

    I’ll have to take a look at this.
    Jann recently posted..Happy Camper in Denver

  3. I haven’t really fully played with Instagram just yet – but I’m learning 🙂
    Aly ~ Cooking In Stilettos recently posted..Tried and True: Cinnamon Pan Frances

  4. FramedCooks says:

    I love Instagram too – I just wish I knew how to use it better! I know how to take the pictures, but I’m still learning how to comment and to see other folks’s shots. I’ll get there…

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