Mango Pineapple Green Smoothie

We’ve been drinking green smoothies for at least 5 years now. My mom introduced me to them long before I noticed them sprouting up all over the internet a few years ago. She’s a raw vegan, so these are a staple in her diet. I know what you’re thinking…..they look SO green! It’s okay…I promise, it’s just the secret ingredient (spinach…shh!!) that turns them green, but you certainly don’t taste the spinach. Really, it’s true. These green smoothies are not just good for you, but they’re also refreshing, tasty, satisfying and give you A LOT of energy. And as a homeschool mom of 3, who am I to turn down a natural energy boost?

You can make them with any good blender….for over a year I made them with my Oster blender, and it worked great. I was very blessed when my grandparent’s decided to upgrade to the newest model of the Vita-Mix back when I was pregnant with my youngest, because that meant they handed me down their old one. Let me tell you…I was super excited to get my hands on a Vita-Mix blender. Though my other blender worked fine, the Vita-Mix allowed me to blend them faster, easier and to make a much larger quantity at a time. With a regular blender, I needed to make 2 batches to feed all 5 of us.

If you’re worried how your family might react to these, let me give you a little insight. My hubby loves my green smoothies, and he is NOT a vegetable eater. Veggies to him are corn and potatoes. If it’s green, he doesn’t touch it! My girls love them, would drink them daily and ask for seconds every time. If it’s not near St. Patrick’s Day, and you don’t think the green color will fly with your family, then just add a cup of berries to the blender….blueberries turn the smoothie purple, strawberries will make it pink. šŸ˜‰

I plan to share more smoothie recipes with you in the future, but smoothie making is the perfect time for you to get creative in the kitchen. I’ll give you my basic formula, and then you get in there and start experimenting. It’s FUN!!

2 cups filtered water
1 cup organic baby spinach
2 cups frozen fruit
2 – 3 bananas depending how sweet you want it

Here are a couple pics of my toddler taken a few years ago at my grandparent’s mountain house. I just love seeing those adorable baby cheeks that have now almost disappeared. She turned 4 in January….sigh, sniff, sniff! See how she’s chugging her green smoothie? See….no juiceboxes required….just pour it into their sippy cup and you’re set!

** Come back and let me know if you’ve tried them….I always love to hear green smoothie reactions!! **

5.0 from 1 reviews
Mango Pineapple Green Smoothie
Recipe type: Breakfast, Snack,
Prep time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 3-4
These green smoothies are not just good for you, but they're also refreshing, tasty, satisfying and give you A LOT of energy.
  • 2½ cups filtered water
  • 1 large handful baby spinach, washed
  • 1 cup frozen mango
  • 1 cup frozen pineapple
  • 3 bananas
  • ¼ cup unsweetened coconut
  1. Add water to blender. I measure using the blender. Add in spinach and blend till spinach is pureed.
  2. Add in frozen mango, and blend.
  3. Add in frozen pineapple and blend
  4. Add in bananas and blend well.
  5. Save coconut for last and barely blend. I like to have bits of coconut to chew on. Makes it more like a meal.
  6. ** If you only have fresh mango or fresh pineapple, then use frozen bananas. I always keep a bag of ripe peeled bananas broken into chunks in my freezer. Anytime you use fresh fruit, add in frozen bananas. That way you have the creaminess you desire. **
  7. ** If you are using a larger blender and want to increase the quantity this serves, just add another ½ cup water, and a little extra frozen fruit. **


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Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are my own. I do earn a small commission if you purchase an Oster or Vita-Mix blender through the above links. This revenue helps to keep this site going. Purchasing a Vita-Mix through the above link will give you free shipping.

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15 Responses to Mango Pineapple Green Smoothie

  1. I need to get a blended now!
    Angie @ Big Bear’s Wife recently posted..Pineapple Banana Bread Pudding with Banana Caramel Sauce

  2. michelle says:

    Ooo, you had me at pineapple. I may try this with my juicer! Yum!
    michelle recently posted..ham nā€™ eggs & sucky days

  3. Velva says:

    This smoothie looks delicious! I have tried using as smoothies as an alternative my meat and potato loving son, who also thinks that anything looks like a vegetable should bot be edible (sigh). I can get him to drink smoothies, and that is great.

    Thanks for sharing this great recipe.

    Velva recently posted..Wordless Wednesday

  4. marla says:

    LOVE the color of this bright smoothie!

  5. Ha ha, love the way the top of her sippy cup matches the smoothie. Your smoothie is green, but it’s not a dark, yucky-looking green like some, more like a light fluorescent green. I could deal with that. Very nice that your parents gave you a hand-me-down Vitamix– I just love mine and use it almost every day.
    Mary @ Fit and Fed recently posted..Grilled Pineapple, Banana and Mango

  6. Tracy Wood says:

    Making these for brunch tomorrow! I’ll let you know how my family likes them – big smoothie people here!
    Tracy Wood recently posted..Oven Roasted Potato Wedges

  7. We’re behind the times, and just started with Green Smoothies recently. Like this week. Love them! I had just told my almost 13 y/o son about my green smoothies for breakfast all week just after getting him yesterday from a school dance. I was absolutely shocked when got home last night and wanted a snack. I offered bunches of stuff, from eggs to fruit to ice cream. And that is when he asked me to make him a smoothie. A little spinach, a little apple, some berries, and he was very, very happy. So happy, he had one for breakfast this morning. Cheers to being healthy!
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  8. Pingback: Top 12 recipes in 2012 {Reader Favorites} | Creative Kitchen

  9. Pingback: 25 Delicious Smoothie Recipes

  10. Aggie says:

    This looks so refreshing!!
    Aggie recently posted..Asian Stuffed Napa Cabbage Rolls

  11. Pingback: Tropical green smoothie | Creative Kitchen

  12. Pingback: How to Get the Most Health Benefits out of Your Smoothies - Around My Family Table

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