I have exciting news to share with you guys! If you’re an avid blog reader maybe you’ve heard of Works for Me Wednesday….it’s a blog hop carnival that hundreds of bloggers link up to every week to share their “tried and true” tips and recipes. It’s a great way to find new blogs to read! Kristen has been hosting WFMW every week for over 5 years, and now there’s finally an organized resource available that highlights all the best tips!
That Works for Me!
e-book is an interactive guide of
over 800 tips,
organized into 24 categories
with more than 300 contributing bloggers
Some of the categories included are: baby, beauty, blogging, cleaning, craft, decor, frugal, garden, gift,
green, holiday, homeschool, hospitality/entertaining, kitchen, laundry, marriage, organization,
parenting, pets, recipes, time management, tech/computers and travel.
I’m new to e-books, and sometimes I admit I can’t wrap my head around the concept. But I have to say I received my copy this week, and am very impressed with it’s easy-to-read format and overall usefulness. I can see how handy this resource would be to any mom and homemaker, and I’m excited to start using it! There’s somewhat an addicting quality to it….it’s just plain FUN!
I’m not just saying that because 2 of my recipes are featured in it….yes, that part is super cool!
I’ve been published, and I’m proud to be a part of this amazing group!
Or because I was also selected as a
WFM Woman ~ one of 24 contributors who have participated & shared great tips on a consistent basis.
We are excited to highlight these community leaders.
Giveaway ~ Kristen has offered up 2 copies of the book for you guys & I think you’ll love it!
To win ~ Just leave a comment below stating what types of tips you’re looking for or give your best tip. (entry)
Each option below gives you an additional entry, leave a comment for each option.
1) Like Creative Kitchen on Facebook (if you already do, leave a comment stating such).
2) Like That Works for Me on Facebook.
3) Follow TWFM on Twitter (you might see your tip of the day).
4) Follow me on Twitter.
* Two winners will be chosen at random at noon on April 19th, 2012. I’ll notify winners by email.
Win a FREE housecleaning ~ They’re also running a contest on the website through the month of April for a gift card for a FREE housecleaning ($150 gift card to use at a local service). Just stop over and “submit a tip” as an entry. You can submit as many as you’d like (for multiple entries) with 25 categories! This contest runs through April 30th.
Coupon ~ If you want to buy a copy of this incredible e-book, it’s only $8 for a downloadable PDF. Click through this link and use coupon code SAVE1 to save $1 off the price.
* A portion of every e-book benefits Mercy House.
If you enjoyed this post, won’t you consider sharing it with others? “Pin it” on Pinterest or “Like it” on Facebook with the buttons above. It really makes my day when you pass things along! To make sure you don’t miss a post or recipe you can either follow Creative Kitchen on Facebook or subscribe by Email in the sidebar. Thanks for reading….I love having company in the kitchen!
* Disclaimer – I received my copy of the e-book for free, but the opinions are my own. If you purchase the book through the link above, I’m an affiliate and receive a small portion to help in the running of this site. Thanks!

I’m the first commenter! Yippeee! My BEST tip: is a Wilton #205. Hahahaha 🙂
Okay, household tip? Keep a chopstick in your flour jar to level it off when measuring. 😉
michelle recently posted..manicotti
Good one!! 🙂
I’m looking most for organization tips.
I liked TWFM on Facebook.
Jennifer@ReflectingHim recently posted..Texas
I follow on Twitter.
Jennifer@ReflectingHim recently posted..Texas
I could use more cleaning/organizing tips!
Elizabeth K recently posted..Spring Fever Giveaway! Catch it!!
I like Creative Kitchen on FB
Elizabeth K recently posted..Spring Fever Giveaway! Catch it!!
I like That Works for Me on facebook
Elizabeth K recently posted..Spring Fever Giveaway! Catch it!!
I follow creative kitchen on twitter
Elizabeth K recently posted..Spring Fever Giveaway! Catch it!!
I follow TWFM on twitter
Elizabeth K recently posted..Spring Fever Giveaway! Catch it!!
I am looking for some organization tips as well!
Catalina @ Cake with Love recently posted..Uzbech Beef Rice
Pingback: Roast beef potato hash ~ attempt at a childhood favorite | Creative Kitchen
I’m looking for some helpful organizing tips!
Megan recently posted..Whip it up Wednesday: Tofu Veggie Stir Fry
I follow CreativKitchen on Twitter
Megan recently posted..Whip it up Wednesday: Tofu Veggie Stir Fry
I like That Works for Me on Facebook
Megan recently posted..Whip it up Wednesday: Tofu Veggie Stir Fry