I didn’t intend for the lack of frequent posting this summer, but life happens! I hope you understand! We’ve had carefree, busy days…..but definitely carefree in that they were mostly “unscheduled” time of catching up with friends and family. Love having that time with the ones we love and care about….don’t you?
These past few weeks my girls have also attended another VBS, the little one had swim lessons (which she LOVED!!), I’ve been maintaining the exercise routine I started with hubby back at the end of May (I’m back to running which I’ll share more about soon!!), and been helping out at hubby’s office. I’ve managed to get out kayaking 3 Saturday mornings in a row….BLISS! Now we’re gearing up for the start of a new homeschool year. My oldest daughter is going into 8th grade, my middle into 4th grade and the little one is starting Pre-K.
The oldest 2 girls are excited about a couple classes they’ll be taking outside the home with other homeschoolers this year. They are both taking IEW (writing and grammar), the oldest physical science (Apologia), and the middle Art. Their classes will be on Thursdays from 9:30 – 2:30 every week starting this week. I’m excited for them!
Like most moms, I feel it will be nice to get back into a regular routine. We’ve had an amazing summer, but it’s nice to see structured learning taking place and it does lend for a more peaceful home climate. We eased back in to things last week with a lighter workload, and yesterday with a full load. Our homeschool group starts back up Friday, and my Mops group on August 30th.
As far as blogging goes ~ I’ve been contemplating a few new ideas of things I want to share with you guys! While I’m getting back into the swing of things here….I hope you’ll let me know if you have any ideas of things you want to see. I’ve had such an interesting summer on the “food” front, and learning more about which types of food I feel better eating. I’m excited to discuss it with you!
Now tell me……what have you been up to??

Hope you had a blast at your 5K today. I too look forward to getting back into a structured/scheduled routine. Looking so forward to all you have in store for your blog! Love this post ~~> It’s fun to see all the pics of what you’ve been up to!
Kim | At Home With Kim recently posted..No Bake Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies
Looks like your family has had a wonderful summer! So enjoyed seeing all your beautiful photos.
Lana @ Never Enough Thyme recently posted..Chicken and Mushroom Casserole
I was so glad to get your blog post while I was off the trail for a half day. The photos are super and the girls look great. I was sorry to miss the family reunion in July and don’t plan on doing that again. I have been having an awesome hike on the Appalachian Trail since March 18th; and I have now gone 1,650 miles. I am looking forward to finishing in about 6.5 weeks, going to meet my new grandson and getting back home with my husband and cats. I look forward to hearing more about your running and to see you in January. Let’s plan to run together while I am there.
Jann recently posted..1516 miles and the Kindness of Strangers