Category Archives: Exercise

Beach hiking…..and finding my way back to me!

I’ve had an amazing week fitness-wise! Finally! I also discovered my new favorite way to get in cardio, and it’s a really awesome workout too. After several months of just squeezing in 1-2 strength training workouts a week at my mom’s … Continue reading

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Back from vacation

We’re back from a much needed extended family vacation to North Carolina. We left Florida Friday morning June 21st and just got back this past Sunday June 30th. Upon arriving back home….part 2 of our family vacation started as my … Continue reading


Need healthy living motivation & accountability? Join us!!

You want in on a little secret? I have something exciting to share with you! It’s something you guys can jump in on if you have a few holiday pounds to lose, have set weight loss goals for yourself or … Continue reading


Baked ziti & not quite fall yet

I’m so excited that fall is right around the corner. I’ve told you all before that fall takes its own sweet time getting here in South Florida. But thankfully since I’ve been living here for almost 20 years, I can … Continue reading


My Fitness Pal & weight loss update

Again I leave you hanging…..sheesh. I can’t be trusted, can I? I will never give up coming here and sharing with you guys. I love the outlet Creative Kitchen has become for me, the people I’ve met through my blog … Continue reading

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