Category Archives: Books

Homesick Texan Cookbook Spotlight & Cook-off Series ~ Pork tacos & Austin-style black beans

When Heather of Girlichef contacted me about whether I wanted to be a part of “The Homesick Texan Cookbook Spotlight and Cook-off” I was beyond ecstatic. Yes, yes….of course I do! What a neat project to be a part of! … Continue reading


A food blogger’s trip to the library

As much I enjoy reading food blogs, and I’m really quite addicted…..there’s nothing quite like the feel of a book in your hand. The instant relaxation you feel when settling down with a book and a cup of tea. The … Continue reading


Can a former vegetarian embrace a low carb lifestyle?

A funny thing happened to me last week. It had been awhile since I’d made brown rice, so I made a big pot of it. I was excited because I love brown rice, and I know it’s good for you. With brown rice … Continue reading

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