Category Archives: Healthy Living

Beach hiking…..and finding my way back to me!

I’ve had an amazing week fitness-wise! Finally! I also discovered my new favorite way to get in cardio, and it’s a really awesome workout too. After several months of just squeezing in 1-2 strength training workouts a week at my mom’s … Continue reading

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Chicken apple blueberry salad & eating clean

Over the last year or so since discovering Whole30, I’ve rediscovered my love of salads. Whole30 has been good to me, and eating this way became second nature about 70% of the time. When sticking to this eating regime, which … Continue reading

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Whole30, the holidays & a brand new year!

Happy New Year! I’m a bit late, but it’s still the new year and I’ve haven’t stopped by in awhile, and I miss you guys!So much going on (of course) with Thanksgiving and a trip to Asheville and to see … Continue reading

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Strawberry Almond Milkshake {Daniel Plan}

I’m super excited about the Daniel Plan! It’s just the type of “clean eating” lifestyle that totally works for me. I’ve always felt great on the Daniel Fast, but I also know my body does best eating small amounts of … Continue reading


Why we juice {Juicing Journey}

As hubby and I have started on this new juicing journey, we’ve been getting many questions. Curiosity has arisen, and juicers have made their way out of friends’ cupboards. We are excited about juicing, and this has spilled over and … Continue reading

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