Category Archives: Hubby

Fresh pressed beet juice & update

I’m so thrilled to be back in my favorite writing space, and can’t believe the year has escaped me. All my valiant plans for jumping right back into the blogging arena once again were waylaid by real life! It’s been … Continue reading

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On marriage

It’s been an amazing couple weeks here in my household. I’m in awe of the things God is doing in my family, and feel so blessed to live the life I live. Words can’t do it justice so it’s almost … Continue reading


Why we juice {Juicing Journey}

As hubby and I have started on this new juicing journey, we’ve been getting many questions. Curiosity has arisen, and juicers have made their way out of friends’ cupboards. We are excited about juicing, and this has spilled over and … Continue reading


Roasting veggies

It’s been a great week…we went camping with a group of friends the weekend before last, and starting that Monday, April 8, my honey and I started a juice fast/juice feast. I can’t believe how amazing this green juice is, … Continue reading


Our Daniel Fast update ~ blessings and benefits

Time on the Daniel Fast just flew by! We broke fast at sundown on Good Friday. What’s harder to believe is it’s already been 11 days since then. Between Easter and camping with friends this past weekend, I’m just now getting … Continue reading

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