Category Archives: My Childhood

Taco salad & childhood friends

Friends add such a layer of joy to life! Not only is it fun to have girlfriend time with our friends, but it’s also fun to have shared mom time. You know….times where you hang out with your kids for … Continue reading

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{Christmas Favorites} Chex party mix

When I was a teen in the 80’s chex party mix was all the rage. Remember? This was before you could buy it in 8 different varieties at the store. Every year my mom made the traditional chex party mix … Continue reading


{Thanksgiving Favorites} Cranberry apple pie & my FIRST giveaway!!

I’ve got some pretty exciting news here at Creative Kitchen, and I hope this awesome giveaway will make up for my absence of late. I was contacted by Macy’s to do this special holiday post. Share a favorite family holiday … Continue reading


My kayak experience & a challenge for moms

You all remember I told you I went kayaking with my brother this past weekend, right? Kayaking is something that always sounded so rugged and outdoorsy to me….actually, it sounded hard! Don’t you think? When I was young…I was a … Continue reading

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