Category Archives: Nature

Beach hiking…..and finding my way back to me!

I’ve had an amazing week fitness-wise! Finally! I also discovered my new favorite way to get in cardio, and it’s a really awesome workout too. After several months of just squeezing in 1-2 strength training workouts a week at my mom’s … Continue reading

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Highlights from Instagram

I hope you all had a great Memorial Day weekend! I love 3 day weekends….it always feels as if I have extra time to do whatever I want. Everyone needs some ‘veg’ time, don’t you think? I know I’ve told you how … Continue reading


Slow down you move too fast…..

You’ve got to make the morning last….and that’s exactly what I did this past Saturday morning. If you’re an active Instagram user and follow me there, then you’ve already seen these pictures. If not, you should join in the fun. … Continue reading

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