Category Archives: Parenting

Surprise invitation to the Kenmore Blogger Summit!!

So last weekend I was minding my own business when I decided to pop in and check my email here at Creative Kitchen. I get my fair share of interesting tidbits and offers here and there, but I must admit I … Continue reading


Birthdays past ~ part one

If you’ve been reading for awhile, you may know I have three girls ages 12, 8 and 3 1/2. Yesterday we celebrated a birthday in our family. It was a very special day because 9 years ago my middle daughter was born. 9 years … Continue reading


Peach clafoutis ~ a french dessert highlighting fruit in season

I really debated on sharing this right now since I just issued a healthy living challenge….but in the end, this incredible peach clafoutis won out. Several of you following along on Facebook remember when I made it last month and … Continue reading


Doughnut muffins, denial & letting go

Whew…what a last couple days it’s been. After 2 weeks away from home and my hubby, we’re finally safely back together as a family again! Love that!! What I didn’t love was getting a phone call from hubby 30 minutes before … Continue reading

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