Category Archives: Pie

{Thanksgiving Favorites} Cranberry apple pie & my FIRST giveaway!!

I’ve got some pretty exciting news here at Creative Kitchen, and I hope this awesome giveaway will make up for my absence of late. I was contacted by Macy’s to do this special holiday post. Share a favorite family holiday … Continue reading


{Thanksgiving Favorites} Crustless Derby Pie

With Thanksgiving around the corner, I wanted to give myself plenty of time to share some of our very favorite recipes. I know it’s 3 weeks away but seriously, you know we’ll blink….and it will be here! Due to the … Continue reading


A peanut butter butterfinger pie for Mikey

Two weeks ago today most of the food blogging community received some devastating news about one of its own. That particular day was a busy one for me….I was celebrating my mom’s 60th birthday with her, so I didn’t receive … Continue reading

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