I haven’t forgotten about sharing what I did with the scallops Friday, but it has been a fun-filled weekend and I haven’t had a chance yet.
We ended up grilling out both yesterday and today, which is very unusual for us. Times may be changing though. For years and years we’ve had a large propane grill and my hubby rarely grilled out. Since we’ve gotten the boat this past May, we’d been on the quest to find a small, portable propane grill. We found one back in July, and now we are grilling out all the time. We started by taking it boating and grilling out at Peanut Island, and now we are using it at HOME! Wonders never cease!! I’m still a bit surprised.
I wanted to try making skewers yesterday with shrimp and chicken. I cubed up chicken breast & sprinkled it with sea salt and pepper. I alternated putting chicken and shrimp on the skewers. I didn’t marinate anything, but did want to recreate the honey garlic glaze we liked so much from Friday night’s scallops. We grilled the skewers for about 10-12 minutes, adding the honey garlic glaze for the last few minutes of grilling time. They turned out GREAT!! I also made some fresh corn on the cob on the stove top.
I was frustrated later when I realized I had forgotten to take a picture of the meal! But they were so good that they were eaten quickly. Ken kept saying something about nothing tastes better than meat on a stick and variants of that nature.
After spending almost 4 hours at the beach today,
we came home famished and wanting skewers again! This time I made them with steak and chicken. And remembered to take pictures! I used 1 chuck steak cubed and 1 chicken breast cubed. Both days Ken wanted me to add the Coleman’s chicken meatballs from Costco on the skewers. He really likes those meatballs. The spices and herbs are they use are just too overwhelming for me. So I made some without them.
I marinated the chicken and steak in a Japanese marinade I had bought at Whole Foods back a few months ago, and some salt and pepper. I cut the chicken small to make sure it cooked through and the steak a bit bigger to make sure it was still pink in the middle. They turned out SO good!
I have a feeling there will be a lot of skewering in our future. I can’t wait to add vegetables and pineapple! So much to experiment with.
I also made a dip to snack on with those Food Should Taste Good chips that I bought at Costco last week. We LOVE these chips!! The dip I made was super easy. I softened about 1/2 block of cream cheese in a small skillet. I added in 1/2 can of Mexican Rotel and about 1/4 cup of shredded mexican cheese. Stirred until it was all melted, and served warm with the chips. So yummy!!

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