My main beverage of choice is always water. Cold, filtered water. Sometimes with ice. Sometimes room temperature. But always water. It is the only thing that quenches my thirst. On the nights I’m at work, I get incredibly thirsty and feel I can’t drink enough water.
Just last week I started squeezing lemon wedges in my water. For some reason this has never appealed to me before. Now I find it so refreshing and delicious. And the colder the water, the better! I find I’m now craving it at home and started doing this……
Yeah…I know, this is nothing new or earth-shattering, but I know it’s good for you. It refreshes me, and there are so many health benefits to it as well such as aiding in weight loss, controlling high blood pressure, helping with various stomach ailments, glowing skin and many more.
Never thought I’d want to do it though without adding sugar or some type of sweetener, but it doesn’t need it in the least. Try one!! Let me know what you think! I know I’ll be adding lemons to my grocery list from now on.
Can’t wait to share later about a new kitchen gadget I got for my birthday! I haven’t had a chance to use it yet, but I’m excited to try it out!

I love lemon in water! I'm also switching back and forth with lime, which I like, too. I can really tell a difference when I'm drinking it vs. when I don't.
I have to have my water with LOTS of ice though, which started with this last pregnancy … it was the only way I could stomach water, and that seems to have stuck with me.