Wow!! I can’t believe it’s already been 2 months since the launching of Creative Kitchen! I have so much I want to write about, so much I want to share here, but I’ve gotten into a very bad habit of thinking and feeling like every blog post has to have a gorgeous picture of food attached to it. I love that in other food blogs; I really do….and it keeps me coming back for more and more.
But what I also forget is that there are many blogs I follow soley for the writing style….the humor, their way with words, the knowledge I gain…..the feeling of “getting away.” I am stiffling my creative juices and the amount of sharing I do on my blog until I have the time to write a full out blog post replete with the perfect picture(s).
At that rate, I don’t think this blog will ever be what I want it to be. I want this blog to be a place for me to interact with other food lovers. I want to get to know each of my readers….so please interact with me! I want to read your blogs. I want to get involved with some of the blogging practices I see out there…Wordless Wednesday, different baking or cooking challenges, meme’s, etc….and really personalize this place!
I also want it to be a place to archive my recipes. I find that I’m already able to use my blog as a reference tool….a place I’ve been able to look up my salad dressing recipes. Which made me want all my recipes here. How much easier that would make my life!!??
So what do you all think? Can I get some feedback? I will be able to post more frequently if I just let myself off the hook…that every post doesn’t have to be a recipe….I can let my hair down a bit and get a little more real with you. Anyone??
**and it’s actually killing me not to add a picture to this post!

Denise…I feel you. You know what I do, I just write. Sometimes I write about things I'm thankful for. Sometimes I weave the stories together with food. Most times, I do that which makes me happy!I try to remind myself why I started blogging – to archive my recipes and connect with other bloggers! Take it easy on you, ok?
Hey, Denise! I vote for you to let yourself off the hook. 🙂 My new blog isn't a food blog, but I do plan on posting a recipe each week.
I would love for you to let your hair down and get real. lol
I've got you on my bloglines and so I know each time you post. I'm not a strong commenter so far, but now that I have my own blog, I will try and do better.
I'm enjoying your blog and look forward to more!
The main things is to have fun doing it. There is no rule about pictures, but I know what you mean.
I believe that if you write about what you love and from the heart it doesn't matter how many pictures you have and what you write about.
So let yourself off the hook.I like your blog.
One of my blogs is my journey from misery to happiness in 365 days. I post everyday on it and it's not only about the things I do to change my life, it's about everyday life…about the little things my kids say, stuff that bugs me even shopping deals…
Congrats on the 2 months! ha, I know what it feels like not to add a picture – I usually end up putting something from clip art because I love visuals 🙂
Hi! Thank you so much for visiting my blog and making the pumpkin bars. I hope they turn out delicious. Let me know:) Also congratulations on your blogaversary…how exciting!
As I read your post I was thinking how I had a lot of the thoughts you are having when I first started blogging. I finally thought to myself "it's my blog…I can do what I please!" and I do! I would say 90% of the time my readers get recipes but occasionally they get to read and see pictures of my vacations or see restaurants I have visited. I figure going off course a little bit will only spice the place up a bit:) Oh and don't worry about pictures…sometimes words say it all!
Oh one more thing. If you are interested in joining a cooking event my friend Faith ( and I are just started a new event. We cook holiday recipes and then ask people to make a recipe that says that specific holiday to them. If you are interested we just made a separate blog for our event. Hope to see you there:)