Sorry I’ve been neglecting my blog!! I sure do miss it here, and can’t wait to get back in the swing of normal cooking and posting recipes! I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how busy December was, and though I’ve enjoyed all the fun, friends, family and parties….it will be great to get back into a routine.
My brother and his wife were just here visiting this past weekend. Friday night we had everyone over to our house. I made shrimp tacos, black bean tostadas, roasted sweet potatoes, yellow rice and homemade salsa to go with chips. We played the new Wii Resort Sports and had a blast! Saturday my husband took them for a boat ride, and then we met up with my parents and we all went over to explore Peanut Island and have a picnic. It was great spending time together!
We usually have warmer weather this time of year, and I feel bad that they didn’t get more tropical weather while they were here. I don’t even think they were able to put on their bathing suits. They assured us that was fine because it is much colder where they live. Sunday we went to see the sea turtles, did some trail hiking and ended up at the mall to get warm. We ended the visit by going out on a double date since my mom offered to watch the girls for us. We went to a mexican restaurant and brought home plenty of leftovers. Good food, fun times!!
We had a bit of a scare after dinner. My mom called to let me know there had been a fire at the house. Everyone was safe, and the fire was contained to the microwave. My oldest daughter apparently put too much time on for 1 potato and the paper plate caught on fire. Our microwave seems dead now. I am so glad no one was hurt, but it sure is a bummer to now have to consider to replace our microwave. It is an over the range kind, and we’ve only had it a few years….very new! Ahhhhh……life!
Today I have quite a bit of catching up to do…laundry, bills, groceries, menu planning, and we still need to get all our Christmas decor taken down and put away. I normally do that on Jan 1st so I definitely feel a bit behind. I also have to get the van in for an oil change this week. And my husband has a particularly busy week at work this week, so I’m trying to do as much as I can to lighten his load.
Now back to food. I have to make up my Costco grocery list this morning and hope to go when the toddler gets up from her nap. I have to figure out what we’re having for dinner. It’s downright frigid for where we live, so I’m thinking maybe chili? It will definitely be something warm!

It sounds like you had a wonderful visit with your brother.
I just went shopping last night and making Chili for dinner tonight. We have a snow storm out here.
Happy New Year.