Join Creative Kitchen on Facebook

I’m excited to have an new avenue to meet and get to know Creative Kitchen followers and new “foodie” friends.  Hope it becomes a way to interact in a more meaningful way with each other.  If you’re already a follower of the blog, just click the facebook badge in the right hand margin and become a facebook fan!  Or click here.

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2 Responses to Join Creative Kitchen on Facebook

  1. Mary says:

    Denise, I love your blog. I've become a follower. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us. Have a great day. Blessings…Mary

  2. Susan-CookingtoSave says:


    Thanks for your feedback on my blog! I really appreciate it! I'm really enjoying my fan page as well, it seems to be a great place to get some conversations going!! Good Luck!

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