Spring is in the air…Mahi Mahi lettuce wraps

One of my favorite things to do with romaine lettuce is use it as a lettuce wrap…a healthy transport for scooping a variety of fresh ingredients to my mouth. Not only is it a great substitute when I am out of organic taco shells, but it’s also fresh, crispy and crunchy…and frugal too!! On this particular day last summer I wanted something light and tasty. I had also just received these beautiful ears of organic corn from Annie’s Organic Buying Club.

Mahi Mahi Lettuce Wrap1

To make these amazing Mahi Mahi Lettuce Wraps I just whipped up my recipe for Fish Tacos and used a romaine leaf instead of a taco shell. Definitely easy!! Definitely healthy!! One great thing I love about my fish taco recipe is that I use my own taco seasoning mix. No msg or other additives, and another money saver! I usually mix up a double batch so I have some on hand for next time.

Mahi Mahi Lettuce Wraps

You could use any filling for these lettuce wraps….beef or chicken taco fixings, black bean burrito fixings, various sandwich fillings including BLTs and slopping joes. It’s a perfect meal for spring and summer as you begin dreaming of firing up your grill. Do you have a lettuce wrap recipe or other wrap ideas you’d like to share with us? If so, please link it in your comment. I’d love to see all the great ideas out there!

This recipe is linked up with Delectable Tuesday, Slightly Indulgent TuesdayTasty Tuesday, Tempt my Tummy Tuesday, Tuesdays at the Table, Real Food Wednesday, Works for Me Wednesday, What’s Cooking Wednesday, What’s on the Menu WednesdayFull Plate Thursday, It’s a Keeper Thursday,  Frugal Food Thursday, Thrilling Thursday, Simple Lives Thursday, Fight Back Friday, Fun with Food Friday, Friday Firsts, Friday Potluck, Friday Favorites, Saturday Swap, Monday Mania, Homemaker Monday & Mouthwatering Monday.

* A “share” or “Facebook Recommend” below is always appreciated! Share the recipe among friends…THANKS!!

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35 Responses to Spring is in the air…Mahi Mahi lettuce wraps

  1. Viveca Park says:

    Today I made fermented cashew cheeze. This is raw and vegan. I put some of it in lettuce leaves and wrapped it.

  2. Viveca Park says:

    Your picture makes what you made look absolutely mouth watering. Thanks for sharing your fabulous recipe ideas.

  3. Michelle says:

    Looks so tasty and fresh. I can't wait until sweet corn is in season here. Until then, will try the wraps!

  4. Bridgett says:

    The wrap and the corn look so fresh that I am dying to take a bite! What a delicious recipe.

  5. Maureen says:

    I love the idea of romaine as the wrap…so smart!
    I am your newest follower, please stop by and say hi Areyouamom.com

  6. LeAnne @ The Purposed Heart says:

    Ooh…these look so good! I just posted my recipe for delicious and nutritious sloppy joes yesterday and I think I will have to try them with your lettuce wrap idea. I love ordering lettuce wraps from our local Thai restaurant, but for some reason had never tried them at home! Thanks for the inspiration!


  7. Christina says:

    Yum these look so good!

  8. Kimberly from "bugaboo" says:

    Looks so delicious!

  9. Christina says:

    I love fish tacoes!!!! Yummy. And these photos on a patio table with fresh corn — ahh it's making me miss summer! Great post!

  10. Victor E. Sasson says:

    Hi Denise:

    Just looked at your beautiful site, and added it to my blog list at Do You Really Know What You're Eating?


    When I was still eating meat, I'd thinly slice grass-fed, free-range Australian beef and put it in freezer bags with Korean bulgogi marinade.

    Then, I'd defrost it and grill it on the stove top for a Korean barbecue meal, wrapping the meat in red-leaf lettuce with fresh garlic, spicy bean paste, kimchi and rice. It's a fun meal.

  11. Erin @ EKat's Kitchen says:

    These look amazing! I love lettuce wraps… and fish tacos! Thank you so much for bringing to Friday Potluck this week! 🙂

  12. Kim @ Quit Eating Out {Recipes to Make Dining Out a Choice, Not a Chore} says:

    I'm bookmarking this recipe right now…. and will be making this for my family very soon! Thanks so much for linking to Saturday Swap!!!

  13. Cooking with K says:

    Wish I could just pick this lettuce wrap up right out of the picture…yummy!

  14. The Lucky Wife says:

    These look and sound delicious! We're always interested in trying new seafood recipes.

    I found you at EKat's Friday Potluck and wanted to invite you to link your MOST POPULAR recipe so far in our Star Recipes Collection. We also have a regular Monday linky party, Make a Food-"e"-Friend Monday, which I'd love for you to contribute any recipe you'd like when you can (can never be too many great recipes, right?!)

    Love your blog!

  15. The Lucky Wife says:

    Thank you for your kind comments about our Star Recipes Collection and for linking yours! I had to come check out this recipe… always love finding great new seafood recipes and this sounded so good. I see it has also been a really popular one!

    Would love for you to join our regular
    Make a Food-"e"-Friend Monday
    parties when you can (linky open through Wednesday each week)!

    Going to check out your citrus balsamic viniagrette dressing… love viniagrettes. Have you found a way to store them without them solidifying in the refrigerator? Or maybe we just keep ours too cold, but my homemade viniagrette dressings solidify and then it's a pain when you want to use them.

  16. roz says:

    Hi Denise, thanks for stopping by, commenting and following my blog!!! i love your recipes, and these fish wraps are perfect for my family who just love fish tacos! I love wraps too! Now gladly and happily following along! Don't forget that I have a weekend blog hop for great food recipes that I usually post on Thursdays. Would love to have you! Roz at la bella vita

  17. m says:

    Okay, I have a FREEZER full of Mahi… I will have to give you some! 🙂

  18. Lisa says:

    This looks great! I love lettuce wraps, but I've never had them with fish. Yum!

    Here's the wraps I made: http://team-t-adventures.blogspot.com/2010/09/healthy-lettuce-wraps.html

  19. Carol @ There's Always Thyme to Cook says:

    Love fish taco's and I love the idea of using the lettuce for the fish wraps, looks amazing!

  20. Ott, A. says:

    Just Stopping by from TMTT. I wanted to invite you to check out my Iron Chef Challenge This month's themed ingredient is canned tomatoes, so link up a recipe using those and you could win a prize. It should be a lot of fun, hope you can join us!!

  21. Debbie says:

    This looks really tasty. We love fish tacos at our house, so I'm really going to give this a try soon. Thanks for linking up to What's On the Menu Wednesday. I hope you will visit often:) Happy St. Patrick's Day.

  22. Melanie says:

    Looks light and refreshing, perfect for spring!

  23. Lark Harrington (SparkyLarky) says:

    I would like to invite you to join in on a RECIPE LINK PARTY on my blog!


    "Made it on Monday" is a weekly recipe link party. So you can join in at any time 🙂
    There will be prizes often.

    I hope to see some of your recipes soon.

  24. Lark Harrington (SparkyLarky) says:

    I would like to invite you to join in on a RECIPE LINK PARTY on my blog!


    "Made it on Monday" is a weekly recipe link party. So you can join in at any time 🙂
    There will be prizes often.

    I hope to see some of your recipes soon.

  25. Lyuba @ Will Cook For Smiles says:

    This looks so good. I wish I could just grab it off the screen!
    New follower 🙂

  26. Kate Clower says:

    Found your blog from It's a Keeper. My husband loves lettuce wraps…can't wait to try it! But I have to go grocery shopping first!

  27. Miz Helen says:

    Hi Denise,
    This is an amazing wrap, a great way to enjoy this wonderful fish. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope to see you next week!

  28. These look absolutely delicious!
    Jason | Jason’s BBQ Adventures recently posted..Pulled Pork Torta Ahogada

  29. We cook with mahi mahi a lot and I’m always looking for new ways to prepare it. My family would love this one.
    Cookin’ Canuck recently posted..Watermelon Mojito Sorbet Recipe

  30. I love lettuce wraps! Never would have thought to do it like this! Great idea!
    Erin @ Dinners, Dishes and Desserts recently posted..Strawberry Aqua Fresca and a Winner!!

  31. Holly Fernandez says:

    Going to check out your citrus balsamic viniagrette dressing… love viniagrettes. Thanks so much for linking to Saturday Swap!!!
    Holly Fernandez recently posted..Cancer Tattoos Tumblr

  32. Gladys Horn says:

    Or maybe we just keep ours too cold, but my homemade viniagrette dressings solidify and then it’s a pain when you want to use them. And these photos on a patio table with fresh corn — ahh it’s making me miss summer! Love them!!
    Gladys Horn recently posted..Swiffer Mops

  33. Pingback: Make your own taco seasoning ~ SUPER easy! | Creative Kitchen

  34. Pingback: 15 Healthy Lettuce Wraps

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