Good morning! This post will be short & sweet just to share about something new and fun I’m doing on the internet. It’s actually taken me 2 years to get on this bandwagon (I’m cautious that way), so if some of you are already using your Swagbucks toward your Christmas fund or new cookbooks you might want to skip this post or share your experience with us in the comment section. 😉
Basically Swagbucks is just another search engine, and I’ve stalled because I’m partial to Google. I’m also very leery of anything where it appears you get something for nothing. And…..I figured I’d end up with a virus. Well I kept seeing more and more of my blog friends with Swagbuck accounts. I asked a few of them and they raved about Swagbucks. They told me they use their Swagbucks for free books on Amazon. I started to feel like I was missing out, but I also didn’t want to waste valuable time figuring something new out.
So back in May I mentioned Swagbucks to my oldest daughter, and she really wanted that search bar on our desktop computer. After much persistence on her part I finally let her put a Swagbuck toolbar on with the stipulation that she and her sister would share all Swagbucks earned. Well I’m happy to report that since then they’ve already spent $15 in Amazon gift cards (earned FREE). I can also report no computer viruses, no issues and ease of use.
Now I really wanted my own Swagbucks account, and wished their computer had been signed up under mine so that I could be earning some referral Swagbucks. 😉 Oh well….I’m finally in on the action and already have 70 Swagbucks just since Thursday afternoon. I think I earned 30 just for signing up, and I haven’t really done that many searches so it’s been really easy and I can see how they will add up fast.
So Swagbucks in a nutshell:
- It’s a search engine and you earn Swagbucks by doing your regular internet searches.
- You can also earn Swagbucks by completing polls, playing games or watching videos.
- Each 450 Swagbucks you earn = a $5 Amazon gift card.
- You earn up to 1,000 Swagbucks per Swagbuck referral (those that sign up under your link).
- You install a toolbar for searching, but I made Swagbucks my default search engine so I could uncheck the toolbar and it wouldn’t be visible all the time.
- You can watch a few videos on You Tube about Swagbuck testimonials (one woman paid for her entire Christmas with Swagbucks!) if you’re like me and need extra reassurance that Swagbucks is a legitimate use of your time. 😉
I’m sure I’ve forgotten a few things, but there’s a lot of information online about Swagbucks and on their site. Just click the banner below to check out Swagbucks and sign up if you’re interested.
I want to disclose up front that if you sign up through the banner on my site, I will earn Swagbucks for referring you. If you decide to think on it for a few days, I do appreciate your coming back here and clicking my banner to sign up. I could use a few new cookbooks. 🙂
And remember you can tell your friends about it, and they can sign up through you. It turns out you can become “Swagbuck friends” as I learned when my daughter asked me when I was going to “accept her friend request.”
** Edited to make a correction ~ It turns out 450 Swagbucks = $5 Amazon gift card instead of the 550 that I originally stated. Sorry for any confusion. There are also countless items you can “buy” in their Swag Store.
If I do sign up I will be sure to come back! Thanks for the info!
Lyndsey recently posted..Pasta with Avocado and Arugula Pesto
Thanks Lyndsey….I appreciate it 🙂
I have swagbucks account but I don’t use it a lot. I guess I probably should!
Shelby recently posted..Red and White Cauliflower Bake
Yes Shelby…I was inspired by those testimonials I saw on You Tube!! I have a kitchen wishlist that I hope to start chipping away at. 🙂
never heard of it. Interesting…
Alison Lewis recently posted..Need a Getaway? Rosemary Beach, Florida
So interesting… I had never heard of it until now!
Georgia Pellegrini recently posted..“Saucy Shrimp Recipe”
I signed up a little while back and have 165 bucks. I never seem to earn the big bucks but some is better than none! 🙂