Dannon has partnered with Foodie Blogroll to help launch their new Activia French and Greek Select yogurts. In order to get the word out, they want to put FREE yogurt into your hands.
To get your FREE coupon do as follows:
1) Go to: http://freeactivia.com – this will take you to a FB page. Alternatively, you can click on the link provided in the assets page, that way we can track it.
2) “Like” the page
3) You may have to also click on the “Activia Select” link on the left sidebar
4) Enter your information in the form, select the yogurt you’d like to try and click on “Get Coupon”
5) You will receive an email with a link to the printable coupon.
6) Print the coupon (you may need to allow the Java print plug-in on your browser)
7) Bring it to a store to redeem your free Dannon Activia sample.
* But HURRY….coupon needs to be redeemed by August 15th!