Roast beef potato hash ~ attempt at a childhood favorite

Ever have a favorite food you remember from childhood? I always loved the taste of corn beef hash. I never even really knew what it was, just that it was good! I pretty much never think of it though, until I see a can of it in the store. But I just don’t do meat in a can! Hey….no judgement here, but the thought if it gives me the heebie-jeebies! Seriously!!

Last week I had left over roast in the fridge, and a clever little thought popped into my head. I’m never going to have corned beef, so why not make hash with roast beef. JACKPOT! It took a little while to mince up all the bits of beef and potatoes, but it was WELL worth it! My kids strolled through the kitchen wondering what I was doing, and since I know hash by it’s very nature is not pretty….I was expecting a bit of resistance.

But it smelled SO good, and I think they’ve come to trust my tastebuds. It’s like they know mama usually likes some good stuff. They all loved it….including hubby, of course….after all, it’s a man’s meal! Again he’s not a breakfast for dinner kinda guy, but I knew I could slip the eggs on his plate as long as beef was on there too. 😉 I scrambled his though, and he always needs ketchup.

A few hash tips ~

You really can’t screw it up, and an exact recipe is really hard to come up with. I’ll do my best. Please feel free to adjust as you need to. I’m guessing at the amounts of garlic powder and onion powder I used because I just kept sprinkling it on. I used onion powder liberally, and a lighter hand with the garlic powder. The main thing is to cook the potatoes up first and add the beef the last few minutes since it’s already cooked.

This roast beef has will make a frequent appearance here. In fact, I will plan leftovers from now on. Try it…let me know what you think! Don’t be shy….I love hearing from you guys! Did you enter the giveaway yet? Don’t forget there’s also a contest for a FREE housecleaning to enter.

Is there a meal from childhood you can’t stop thinking of? Have you recreated it yet?

Roast beef potato hash ~ attempt at a childhood favorite
Recipe type: dinner, breakfast
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 5
  • Leftover cooked chuck roast (about 1 to ½ pounds), minced up really small
  • 3 extra large potatoes (really big), peeled and minced small
  • ¼ of extra large vidalia onion, pureed in food processor
  • sea salt (about 1 tsp total)
  • pepper (about 1 tsp)
  • onion powder (at least 1 tsp, maybe more)
  • garlic powder (about ½ tsp total)
  • Olive oil for skillets
  1. It took me 2 batches to skillet fry this all up, but you can just use two large skillets to make it at the same time. It really is just thrown together, and you know I find this easy so I hope you all don't have trouble.
  2. Mince up all of the beef into tiny pieces. Peel potatoes, slice into small slices and then mince up into tiny pieces. Chop onion in food processor till it's basically mush. 😉 In other words, prep all your ingredients.
  3. Heat a bit of olive oil in 2 large skillets. Divide potatoes into half, and add half to each skillet. Divide onions between both skillets. Stir.
  4. On low to medium heat, cook potatoes and onions for about 15 minutes or more. You want them to be almost cooked before you add the beef since the beef is already cooked.
  5. While cooking potatoes, sprinkle with sea salt and pepper. Also a bit of onion powder and garlic powder. I basically added the onion powder liberally throught my cooking time as I stirred and after I added in the beef.
  6. Once you feel like potatoes are cooked but not browned, add in the beef. Again divide it equally into both skillets. Turn around and mix into potatoes. Sprinkle again will salt, pepper, onion powder and garlic powder. Cook until desired consistency is achieved.
  7. Serve with eggs.

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4 Responses to Roast beef potato hash ~ attempt at a childhood favorite

  1. I so love the way food takes us home again. Childhood favorites always bring a smile and comfort. 🙂
    Judy@Savoring Today recently posted..The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Food From My Frontier {GIVEAWAY} & Thai Chicken Pizza

  2. katie says:

    I too loved corned beef hash growing up and still do to this day. Although, I only eat it out at restaurants and have tried recreating it a few times at home. Very intrigued by the Roast Beef version. I too have been trying to recreate childhood recipes!
    katie recently posted..Stove Top Roasted Pork with Sweet Peppers

  3. This sounds great!! Nice creation here, this is how I like to cook. I never liked corned beef so this would be better than toe original for me! I have asked my mom for her sukiaki recipe, because that was one of my favorite meals she made from my childhood!
    Lyndsey@TheTinySkillet recently posted..Lemon Curd Parfait with Ginger Whipped Cream

  4. Your hash sounds so much better than any hash I’ve ever had. I don’t remember having it growing up.
    Barbara @ Barbara Bakes recently posted..White Cheddar Raz-Pepper Grilled Cheese

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