I know I’m a BLESSED woman….truly I do. Even without these amazing new Wusthof knives, I know how good I have it. Hubby and I just celebrated our 15 year wedding anniversary, and these knives are proof that he listens and knows me. I was giddy when he presented me with two long narrow boxes, and wasn’t the least bit disappointed when they didn’t contain jewelry. 😉
You see I’d been pinning after REAL knives for many years now. I knew my knives weren’t all that sharp, and though I’m told those are the most dangerous types of knives….I compensated and never got cut. I convinced myself I’d lose a digit if I had the really sharp ones, and carried on in the kitchen never missing a beat. I’d mentioned it off and on to hubby, but see….he wasn’t convinced in the least that anyone would need a $100 knife.
So you can imagine my SHOCK and delight when not only did he produce these knives to me, but I found out he spent the afternoon researching them, tracking down where he could buy them and then actually hunted down a Williams Sonoma. Can you believe he’d never heard of the store? Or that he didn’t know they had one at our mall? Tiff, tiff…..seriously babe, you’ve seen me walk in them and I’m convinced you’ve gone in with me at least a few times. Funny the things guys remember, huh?
Oh these knives changed my world!! I’ve been chopping, dicing and mincing like nobody’s business….and these knives have blown me away. Some of my happiest afternoons are when I have plenty to cut and accomplish this task with light classical music playing in the background. Truly it’s magical….with 3 girls home all the time with me, I count it another blessing.
And the VERDICT? I’ve haven’t lost a finger yet, and hubby is a changed man. You better believe he reaches for these knives too. Because he purchased them and knows their value, he hasn’t mistreated them by leaving them in water or throwing them in the dishwasher. Apparently my mother-in-law got quite a chuckle at how thrilled I was to get these knives for our anniversary. I’m pretty sure she’s a jewelry gal, and she must have seen this akin to my receiving a vacuum. 🙂
So tell me…..I want to know the best or most surprising gift your hubby has picked up for you? Was it you? Was he listening?
Disclaimer: Obviously this isn’t a sponsored post as my hubby bought me these Wusthof knives as a gift. However I do make a few pennies if you purchase through above affiliate links. Btw…hubby was able to get my big knife on sale at Williams Sonoma for under $100. He got a great deal which is why he bought me the serrated knife. I love my knives!!

Happy anniversary! That is a great gift.
Jersey Girl Cooks recently posted..Japanese Shrimp Noodle Bowls
Good for you on the new knives. It’s such a revelation when you use a really good, sharp, heavy-duty knife for the first time, isn’t it? I remember the first time I cut an onion with my first top-notch knife. I nearly screamed at the ease with which the blade cut through the onion. I’ll never go back to cheap knives again.
Carolyn Jung recently posted..Spring for Alice Medrich’s Saucy Cranberry Maple Pudding Cake
Solid choice with the knives. Whenever I go into W-S, I literally lust after the sets. One of these days….but for now, I’ll deal with my mish-mash of cutlery.
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