North Carolina road trip, family reunion and Mayberry days

Hi everyone, my summer is flying by! How is it already almost mid-July? I know it’s been quiet here lately, but as you know my family and I were on vacation in North Carolina visiting family and friends. We rolled in just in time for the heat wave…..funny driving up from South Florida we left mild summer temperatures in the high 80’s for temps into the 100’s. We were also there for our annual 4th of July family reunion! It was SO great to see everyone!

11 hour road trip from South Florida to North Carolina….not so bad since we can make it in one day!

My brother’s twins are now 20 months old….not only are they super adorable, but they are mobile and off to explore the world. My cousin from Nashville and his wife surprised us by visiting with their brand new 3 week old baby. We were all shocked and delighted they made the 8 hour drive!!

My little loves to hula hoop and is quite good at it, my morning tea while in North Carolina and sparklers

With vacations and family get togethers, I’m sure your summer has been busy as well. I’ve missed you all, and missed being here so it’s great to be back! I have so much to share….so many things waiting in the wings. I need to just jump on and chat more here….I’m pretty addicted to active on Instagram, do you follow me there? Instagram is such a fun way to keep in touch with other bloggers and online foodie friends. πŸ˜‰

My middle power jumping, riding the carousel with my little, and our extended family divided into teams and played a heated fun and engaging game of trivial pursuit

It’s always nice to be back in my kitchen after being out of town. Nothing like cleaning out the fridge, and stocking up with fresh fruits and veggies. Right? I know I couldn’t wait, and got right back into the swing of things pickling veggies, creating my first kale salad and making meringue. We’ve also had chicken taco salad, homemade pizza, plenty of omelettes and fruit salads. What are your current summer favorites?

Mount Airy is only 40 minutes from where I grew up, it was already planned for the day we found out Andy Griffith died. Sad news!! I grew up watching Andy Griffith, and was one of my favorite shows! My girls love it too!

Photo in bottom right is a picture of Andy Griffith’s home growing up. He was an only child.

My girls were in VBS last week (Vacation Bible School), and it was SO exciting because this was the first summer all 3 can attend. My 4 1/2 year old is thrilled to be included this year….last year she wanted to be dropped off too. πŸ˜‰

Visiting one of my oldest friends and neighbor growing up after the family reunion. She’s blessed with blackberry vines in her yard that her father maintains. Every summer we get to pick organic blackberries to our hearts content. We made blackberry jelly together. I grew up eating their homemade ice cream which my girls and hubby got to sample, and we went bowling together.

I signed my little one up for swim lessons, and have been looking at the rest of our summer plans. I love the spontaneity that comes with summer, don’t you? It’s been great keeping up with friends, and having flexibility in our schedule.

We went on a double date with my friend and her hubby and finally triedΒ Noble’s Grille! We had an amazing lunch (farm to table restaurant) and then to Edward McKay’s used book store. See I found the foodie section, and scored some great books that had been on my list awhile!

What have you guys been up to? I can’t wait to hear about your summer so fill me in!

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12 Responses to North Carolina road trip, family reunion and Mayberry days

  1. Sounds like a lot of fun, and you’ve been busy. We haven’t done all too much this summer just hung out around home. Of course living in Sarasota we have plenty to do. We like to kayak and have taken the boat out a few times. Been to a TB Ray’s game. Jet skiing at the Skyway. Plan to go to Michigan in August for a family reunion. Hope it’s not too hot…we’ve had a nice summer so far.
    Lyndsey @The Tiny Skillet recently posted..Greek Chicken Tenders – Martha Monday

  2. Wendy says:

    Wow! You have been crazy buzy! We’ve just been hanging out at home mostly…boring.
    Wendy recently posted..Summer Marinated Mixed Grill

  3. Kathleen says:

    Hey ol friend! Nice to see you again. Happy to be blogging again πŸ™‚ Looks like you’re having a super fun summer.
    Kathleen recently posted..Shrimp Salad Toasts

  4. anna says:

    super cute pictures! looks like a fun trip!

  5. michelle says:

    Awww, you had so much fun! You’ll have to fill me in on that bookstore! πŸ™‚ Looks like a gem!
    michelle recently posted..sesame kale chips & OXO giveaway

  6. Denise,

    We are such huge Andy Griffith Show fans in our family. We’ve seen every single black and white episode multiple times. What a fun trip you had. πŸ™‚
    Jackie @Syrup and Biscuits recently posted..The Spend the Night Party(Recipe: Blackberry Syrup and Blackberry Butter)

  7. Denise I love that your summer got to include a trip to see your family! Looks like you had so much fun. My in~laws live in south Florida too and just came for a visit…. they said it’s hotter in the midwest than it is where they live! Wonder if it felt the same for you?

    How fun that you got to see Andy Griffith’s childhood home? I love to take trips and see things like that!!
    Kim | At Home With Kim recently posted..{Not So Fresh} Fresh Start

  8. Chineka says:

    I’m from North Carolina and I miss it. Growing up as a military brat it is the one place that felt like home, especially since my Grandma lived in High Point, NC all of my life. I have been getting better at cake decorating this Summer and I’ve found some really good cake decorating blogs that have been helpful to me. It’s great that you are spending time with family and friends. That’s what Summer’s are made for after all 8-).
    Chineka recently posted..Flower Themed (Re-Enlistment) Cake Journey

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