Category Archives: Epcot

Fun Friday and Fish ‘n Chips ~ sharing more of my Disney obsession!

I’m in the mood for a FUN post! It’s Friday & I’m giddy!! Aren’t you happy the weekend’s here? What about the fact that summer has pretty much officially arrived? I’ve been mentally planning our summer fun for the past … Continue reading


Food Blog Forum Orlando ~ Walt Disney World Resort (day two)

After being up late Friday night riding rides with the family at Magic Kingdom (catch day one here), I woke up bright and early….actually not bright as the sun hadn’t even come up yet. It was early…..but worth it! I … Continue reading


Getting back into the swing of things and Spring!!

Sorry for such a long delay in posting! After our 10 day Disney trip, it’s taken a bit of time to get unpacked, settled in and get things back to normal.  Lately I’ve been enjoying the food blogging realm, but … Continue reading

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