Category Archives: Thankfulness

Taco salad & childhood friends

Friends add such a layer of joy to life! Not only is it fun to have girlfriend time with our friends, but it’s also fun to have shared mom time. You know….times where you hang out with your kids for … Continue reading

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Our Daniel Fast update ~ blessings and benefits

Time on the Daniel Fast just flew by! We broke fast at sundown on Good Friday. What’s harder to believe is it’s already been 11 days since then. Between Easter and camping with friends this past weekend, I’m just now getting … Continue reading


Slow down you move too fast…..

You’ve got to make the morning last….and that’s exactly what I did this past Saturday morning. If you’re an active Instagram user and follow me there, then you’ve already seen these pictures. If not, you should join in the fun. … Continue reading


Steak salad with salsa dressing

Pin It What’s new with you guys? I’ve been spending time in the kitchen, but my time cooking, blogging and hanging out on social media has been a bit limited these past couple weeks. ‘Organization Homefront’ has been full steam … Continue reading


{Thanksgiving Favorites} Crustless Derby Pie

With Thanksgiving around the corner, I wanted to give myself plenty of time to share some of our very favorite recipes. I know it’s 3 weeks away but seriously, you know we’ll blink….and it will be here! Due to the … Continue reading

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