Tag Archives: Autumn

{Thanksgiving Favorites} Crustless Derby Pie

With Thanksgiving around the corner, I wanted to give myself plenty of time to share some of our very favorite recipes. I know it’s 3 weeks away but seriously, you know we’ll blink….and it will be here! Due to the … Continue reading


My favorite cornbread!!

The humidity is finally starting to break here in South Florida, and I find I’m getting increasingly excited about meals like this one. What’s not to love about a bowl of hearty beef chili and sweet, melt in your mouth cornbread? This cornbread … Continue reading


Lemon mousse & Fall in South Florida

This lemon mousse might just be my shortest post ever! I know it’s fall, and I’m supposed to be moving on to apples, pumpkins, soup and comfort food, and I’ll get there….but I think I should have a little leeway since … Continue reading


Paprika chicken zucchini soup & love of Pinterest

Ahh….I have a nourishing meal for you today. I know it’s been awhile….I seem to have gotten on a breakfast and dessert kick. I still have a few treats to share with you, but they aren’t overly sweet and one … Continue reading


Simply satisfying sweet potato pancakes

Happy New Year!! I could wax poetically about why this poor blog has been neglected for 6 months, but instead why don’t we find a use for some of those leftover sweet potatoes hanging around in your pantry! Sweet potatoes…..I … Continue reading

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