Category Archives: Mexican

Steak salad with salsa dressing

Pin It What’s new with you guys? I’ve been spending time in the kitchen, but my time cooking, blogging and hanging out on social media has been a bit limited these past couple weeks. ‘Organization Homefront’ has been full steam … Continue reading


Mexican layer bake & what happened to me…

I owe you guys a huge apology for falling off the face of the earth. Not literally, but one minute life is moving along with hubby earning a steady paycheck at a not very fulfilling job, and the next BAM….he’s … Continue reading


Sopapillas ~ Homesick Texan Cookbook Spotlight & Cook-off Series

Last Wednesday another big storm rolled in, and as the rain came down it really did seem the perfect setting for rolling out these pillowy pockets of dough. I’ve never had sopapillas, and naturally my girls were excited that I … Continue reading


Homesick Texan Cookbook Spotlight & Cook-off Series ~ Pork tacos & Austin-style black beans

When Heather of Girlichef contacted me about whether I wanted to be a part of “The Homesick Texan Cookbook Spotlight and Cook-off” I was beyond ecstatic. Yes, yes….of course I do! What a neat project to be a part of! … Continue reading


Cucumber Avocado Salsa Dip

Let’s see if I can actually get out a quick recipe for you all today. I want to share this refreshing cucumber avocado salsa dip with you, so I’m back as promised. My biggest downfall as a food blogger is … Continue reading

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