Tag Archives: Frugal

Refrigerator Pickles ~ quick, easy & leaving for Chicago (I hope!)

I can’t believe I leave for Chicago bright and early tomorrow morning! I’m all packed and ready to go. I had a lot of fun shopping borrowing from my friend’s closets the past few days. I have to say I … Continue reading


Zucchini egg scramble & getting back on track with eating

Are you trying to get your eating back on track? I sure am! I’d say I’ve been about 65% successful, but still find myself caving into a sugary treat after dinner. That has got to stop!! And exercise…..pfft…..what’s that?


{Christmas Cookie Favorites} Tollhouse brittle

About 10 years ago when my oldest daughter was only 2 1/2 we drove up to northern Georgia and spent Christmas in a beautiful cabin with my inlaws. It was a fabulous week, and the view from the cabin windows … Continue reading


{Christmas Cookie Favorites} Lemon squares

Tis’ the season for baking……as a family that strives to keep junk food and sugary treats out of the house, Christmas time is a time I really let loose and bake our favorite goodies. By Christmas Eve I’ve usually baked … Continue reading


{Thanksgiving Favorites} Scalloped corn & Thanksgiving plans

Happy Thanksgiving!! The big day is almost here. How many of you are like me….you’ve found over the years that Thaksgiving day has found a special place in your heart? Being a “foodie” of course, we love the focus on … Continue reading

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